Thursday, January 12, 2012


That's right, I am finishing up my final 2 classes at Southwestern Baptist Seminary to complete the MDiv program.  Looking at the syllabus and emailing back and forth with the professors have reminded me why I have "put-off" finishing the degree since 2008.  Why have I put these classes off?  First, I could only take these classes online since moving Michigan and one class in particular (Baptist Heritage) hasn't been offered since 2008, and the second reason is because I haven't been motivated to finish the degree (yes, I admit that I have been lazy).  Although, I expect the next few months to be challenging, I am excited to begin, excited to learn, and excited to finish the degree.

Here is my challenge:  Regardless of any decision that we are "putting-off" in our lives (relational, financial, losing weight, completing a major project, etc...), I encourage each of us to finish strong and complete what we have started out to do.  There is joy to be found and I think we will simply just feel better about ourselves.

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