- HBC made the decision to launch a new service with the idea of reaching people who do not attend church regularly and to minister to people who think church isn't relevant.
- We assembled a launch team and made preparations for over a year (research, meetings, advertising, etc...).
- We launched this new service on September 10, 2011.
Did we have our ups and down in the preparation? Absolutely...but we assembled a strong team of volunteers, worship band members, children's workers and many others who made commitments to help begin this new service.
Has this been successful? Well...
- 18 people have made first time decisions for Christ
- 12 people have been baptized in our Sat Night service
- Many people have taken HL101 & HL201 (our assimilation process)
- Many people are now involved in Connection Groups
- New people are discovering their gifts and are now using them in ministry
Are we perfect? No! Do we have a long way to go? Yes! But we are seeing fruit and seeing people experience new life. Our prayer is that we would witness this happen over and over again and see more people in our community find a home at HBC!