Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do You Have Vision?

Dwight Smith had this to say about people with crystal clear vision:

"There is an itch about something that must be done that animates their lives. They cannot let it go! It is important to emphasize that such a vision does not come from trying to have one. In all of these people, it simply comes! God has so demonstrated Himself that they are filled with a picture of something that must be done." (

Is the vision for your life self-centered or is it God-breathed?


David and Sarah Carrel said...

I have them all the time. They are so annoying. haha. I have them and want to do something about them, but sometimes I just don't have the time or resources or strength. And then other people don't have the same vision. I have one for raising money for missionaries, but no one seems to want to tackle it cause it is too big. Check out my blog under "Another crazy idea."

Jared N. Moore said...

I thought I commented on your post last month. I definitely think it could work, but the hard part is getting the church or investor to put down the initial 50-60K to get it started. For this to spread, you will need a "test" church that will be willing to advertise the success of this idea.